Vision To Wealth – Success Showcase Event – London, England
Event on 2013-07-06 10:00:00
Come and Learn the “3 KEYS” to building your Million Dollar Business.
Come and learn how to build a successful company and network with local business executives. When you attend this event you will learn about new ways to make money and/or build your existing business. Get an amazing Success Education and VIP Executive Networking Session. You will leave with new business through our joint venture interactive session. All Attendees will receive a 7.00 valued digital SuccessPack including Bill Walsh’s new book “The Obvious”, to create revenue streams! The Success by Design program that will be introduced has been developed for anyone that is serious about learning the mindset, systems and accountability programs that are necessary in creating a mega-successful business! At the event you will learn the UNTOLD SECRETS and proven concepts that successful entrepreneurs utilize everyday to WIN in business! You be able to network with many successful people from various backgrounds and can also share your business and expertise with our clients.
Event Schedule:
10am-12pm Personal Peak Performance Session
12pm-1pm Lunch Break
1pm-2pm Path, Purpose & Vision
2pm-3pm Systems & Marketing
3pm-4pm Quantum Productivity & Success
4pm-5pm Bonus Session for Speakers
Gift and Refreshments provided at the event
Guest Speaker:
Bill Walsh® – America's Business Expert
Bill Walsh® is the CEO/Founder of Business Coaching/Venture Capital firm Powerteam International. Bill hosts and speaks at events all over the world! His passion is to empower entrepreneurs and business owners to create massive success. He loves to help people to understand specifically what it takes to build successful companies. He is an accomplished author, speaker, radio personality and movie celebrity, He has a very successful background in finance and marketing. He has spent two decades working with start-ups to major global brands increasing sales, productivity and overall success. He is an innovator with a remarkable ability to determine and dictate success strategy to seize global market opportunities.
For everyone that owns a business or would like to capitalize the entrepreneurial dream his message will enlighten them with knowledge and action principles to turn that passion into success! Bill has an extensive background in foreign currency trading, real estate development and building companies around the world. Over the past two decades, he has specialized in helping companies launch, grow and create exponential valuation in the market. The Rainmaker Summit and WIN University® programs offered through Powerteam are designed to assist entrepreneurs in creating the focus, plans and partnerships required to build multi-million dollar companies!
at Grosvenor Hotel
Park Lane
City of London, United Kingdom
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